Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 WEEKS :)

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks pregnant today!! All glory be to you, God!! While I can hardly wait for Paxton's due date to get here, I know I'm going to miss all of his punches, kicks & rolls inside my tummy! There really is no other feeling like it in this whole wide world! It's a blessed feeling only shared between a mommy & her baby, and I'm truly grateful to feel all his jabs ... no matter how strong they are! But, oh how I long to see Pax's lil sweet cheeks for the very first time!!

Our dearest Pax: Daddy & I anxiously await your birth so that we can snuggle you up for the very first time, sweetly serenading "Happy Birthday" into your precious lil ears. We praise God for you everyday, and we give Him all glory for you, our very own precious baby!! Only 10 more weeks of you inside my tummy, and then many, many, many happy years of you as our beautiful son. We love you so much, Paxton George. May God keep you safe and healthy as you continue to grow inside me. Love you lots, Mommy & Daddy.

Here's a sweet photo of Violet snuggling up with me & giving Pax a lil paw hug! :)
More belly photos! Can't believe Pax still needs to double in size!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Shane and I are so blessed to have been able to have Paxton's fetal portraits taken through 3D ultrasound. It was such an amazing experience to see our very own little baby up on screen, in 3D, like we could just reach up and touch him and hold him!! It's just one more amazing reminder of how truly awesome our God is! How He is the one who blessed us with this true miracle: a miracle of life!! We are truly grateful to God, and we give all glory to Him for our precious baby growing inside me.

Sweet baby Paxton George, it was so, so, so good to see you in 3D! We didn't think it would be possible to long for your arrival any more, but we do even more so each and every day. Seeing you in 3D makes us even more excited to welcome you into our family ... our very own baby! We hope and pray that you'll be a healthy, full-term baby, so we hope to see you - to hold you for the very first time - some time around October 2nd, your due date!! Mommy & Daddy love you so much!!!!

Paxton's umbilical cord was covering part of his face through the entire scan, but some precious & priceless photos were still captured. Enjoy!!

Daddy Shane's chin here. :) Oh, sweet cheeks!!

And Daddy Shane's profile here!! :)
Precious chubby hand!
Taking some big breaths!
Loving the "squishy face" (as Daddy calls this) & chubby belly!
Precious ear! Hoping you can hear all the "I love yous" that Mommy & Daddy send you daily!
Pax's favorite position: all bundled up!
Little baby piggies!
What an amazing doctor visit!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011


First, look how adorable my parents (George & Georgina) are here with their grandpuppies!! A quick glimpse into their love for these lil canines, and that's enough proof that they're going to be super-dooper grandparents to my sweet little Paxton! But, oh, I have so much more proof. Read on & enjoy!

So I know many people say they have the BEST parents ever … I just so happen to be one of those who is truly fortunate and blessed to have THE VERY, VERY BEST PARENTS IN THIS WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!! I know I can't explain all their greatness in this little blog post, but I'll do my best to capture as much as possible, giving them very well deserved thanks and appreciation for all they are and all they do.

I'd like to lead with my appreciation for my parents raising our family with God's love. Without a Christian upbringing, I don't believe I'd be nearly as strong in my relationship with God.

From the day my twin sister and I were born, my parents put us first and foremost in their lives. We became their number one priority. Even when we definitely didn't deserve it, they showed us our importance through their love, guidance and support.

While we might not have always thought it was the "coolest" thing (especially as teenagers - you know, that "I'm too cool for my parents" attitude) to have our parents at EVERY school event and function, I can gladly and proudly look back today, with a big smile on my face, and be very thankful that they cared so much to put everything else aside and bust their schedules, just to be there for us. And, I do have to admit, there is no other warmer feeling than looking up in the stands, out in the audience, or even out in the parking lot, and seeing your number one fans there in support, no matter what the occasion. Because, at the end of the day, whether your team has won or lost, whether your performance rocked or flopped, the ones you need and want the most are your parents. Because, well for me anyway, my parents always greeted my sister and I with the "you did your very best, and we're so proud of you" attitude. What better cheerleaders could you ask for?!

While I sometimes wished as a child that my mom could've been able to stay at home and raise my sister and I, it just couldn't be. Both of my parents were (and definitely still are today) very hard-working professionals who had to work in order to support our family. And it's not like we didn't have good care-takers watching over us, we most certainly did … we had the most wonderful sitter (who I'm so very, very grateful to have as a sitter for Paxton when it comes time for my maternity leave to expire). I just sometimes longed to try what other kids were used to. But, you know, if my mom would've been able to stay at home and raise us, we may not have been able to meet our wonderful sitter and all the other kids who she watched, as well. I definitely think it's important for kids to be exposed to other kids at a young age so that social skills can develop and friendships can emerge. And, having both parents be such hard-working professionals, has taught my sister and I the great importance for ourselves to also be hard-working and career motivated. Because, like my parents, my husband and I will also both have to work in order to support our growing family. While it will definitely be hard for me to "go back to work" after my maternity time is up, it gives me great comfort in knowing that the sitter Paxton will be staying with is a wonderful family friend who will undoubtedly give him the attention and care he'll need as he grows, plays and learns with other children who also have working parents.

From the first day I told my parents the most exciting news I've ever been able to share - that of Shane and I expecting our very first baby - they have been the most excited, supportive and helpful grandparents-to-be!!!! From bringing me meals that came right back up after me eating them (sorry for TMI - I was really sick up to my 16th week), to going with me to my first ultrasound (because Shane couldn't go) and finding out that our baby is a boy, to buying SO many things for us and Paxton - like all of his nursery furniture and so much more! - they have been the MOST HELPFUL and LOVING parents, and I couldn't be more thankful! Their true excitement is what warms my heart the most. Just seeing how excited they are to be grandparents is definitely what means the most to me!!


If I can even be half the mom to Paxton that my parents have been to me, I know he'll be in very good hands! I'll pray to love and care for Pax as much as they have loved and cared for me … and I know this will only be possible with God's love and guidance.

There are so many other great qualities that make George & Georgina SUPER PARENTS. I really could go on and on and on. With their big, big hearts giving unconditional love (through the good and the bad), care, help, support, advice … not to mention all the material things they've provided … I feel I'll never really be able to show all the true gratitude they deserve. But I'll definitely try. Thank you so very much, mom and pops, for EVERYTHING you've given and provided and for all you continue to do! YOU REALLY WILL BE THE BEST GRANDPARENTS TO PAXTON, AND I'M FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Kelly and I — 28 weeks pregnant - my belly is ever growing — at Bobby and Emily's wedding.

The bestest (yes, bestest) friend anyone could ask for is Kelly Cottingim. Her and I go way back, becoming the best of friends at a very young age. She is one of those people you can count on for ANYTHING. With the sweetest heart and the I'll-do-anything-for-you-attitude, she really deserves friend of the universe!! Not only that, she is one of the hardest working individuals I know! This girl kicks butt in life!! As we've gotten older and gone our separate paths, we don't get to see each other nearly often enough. But when we do get together, it's fantastic!

She was at my cousin's wedding this weekend, and it was SO GOOD to see her! She is a true gem in this world, and when she's around, the world really does light up!! I mean it!

Somewhere in existence are some hilarious videos we made together as youngins (back in VHS days!), not to mention probably hundreds of silly photos ... that I really wish I had in my possession. One in particular is one from our "dress-up" days. Since I don't have this photo, I'll do my best to describe the hilarious day that Kels put up with Jess and I making her dress up like Mimi (from the Drew Carey show)! Oh, poor Kelly!! But she really was gorgeous! We had a hand-me-down teal sequenced prom dress that was just a bit too big for Jess and I, but it fit Kelly perfectly ... Kelly's always had the goods that every girl (and guy!) wants, if you know what I mean! ... so the dress was quite flattering on her. Now, here's where the "Mimi" part comes in. We wanted to exaggerate Kelly's beautiful eyes with the most stunning teal eyeshadow, so we lathered her eyelids, clear up to her eyebrows with the most sparkling teal eyeshadow we had. We then added plenty of blush to her perfect cheek bones, and voila! she was one hot mama!!

Kelly, if you read this, I do hope you know how many great memories I cherish to this day (and always will)! You truly are a ONE-IN-A-MILLION bestest friend anyone could ask for, and I am so blessed to know you and have you in my life! Love you today and always!!


So I had the privilege of babysitting for a dear friend of mine Saturday morning, and I had an absolute blast! It's the first time I've babysat since I've been pregnant, and it was a treat! Probably because the baby is one sweet lil girl, and the happiest baby I've ever seen! It was wonderful practice, and I'm even more excited (not sure how that's possible) for Paxton to get here! I was a little nervous about how Violet would do, as she's never been around a baby before, and we're hoping she'll adjust well to Pax ... SHE DID FANTASTIC!! Jozie (the sweet lil baby) wasn't too fond of Violet at first, but her mama warmed her right up to her. Violet was very gentle and just super excited for a playmate! She loved Joz's chubby lil fingers the best, and loved giving them plenty of sugars. If Violet adjusts half as well to Pax as she did to Jozie, I KNOW they're going to be the best of buds!!

Oh, and perhaps this cute lil pumpkin will be Paxton's first girlfriend!! I 100% approve!!

Enjoy these precious photos of the most adorable lil baby girl & her sidekick for the day, Violet!

Happy, happy baby!!

And this is Jozie playing "put 'em up!" When you ask her to "put 'em up," she appropriately responds! So adorable!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I should probably preface this with the fact that Shane nor I wanted to use our names (first or middle) as part of our baby's name. Some people have questioned us on this, and it's just our personal decision.

One of the most common questions I've been asked during my pregnancy is "do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?" Which I promptly pipe up, "oh, yes, we're having a boy!!" The truth is, we've known the sex since I was in my 12th week! … I am then asked if I have any names picked out. Shane and I went through several, several names, only finding a few that we really liked. So narrowing it down to just one wasn't too terribly difficult. Before we found out boy or girl, we had one favorite girl name and one favorite boy name, and two favorite middle names to pair with each, respectively. Shane wanted to keep them a secret. I wanted to shout them to the world! He was afraid others would "take" them. It is funny how we become so attached to a name! Anyhow, I told everyone who asked! Shane was more hesitant at first, but then started telling those who wanted to know.

Fortunately, nearly everyone has responded very cordially and positively to Paxton's name. I'm not sure if it's because I'm blessed with so many wonderful family members and friends who only want to show the most favorable encouragement, or if they really do like his name choice, but either way, I'm so thankful for all their support around something so very, very personal: our sweet baby's name. The fact is, we would name him PAXTON GEORGE no matter positive or negative reaction, because it really is only up to us (Shane and I), as his parents, to love and give him his name. It is a personal, parental choice, and we can't wait to hold him for the very first time, cooing "our very own little Paxton George" into his sweet baby ears. We have faced just a tiny bit of cynical response, but it was only around a petty thought that a one syllable name ("George") didn't sound right after "Paxton," and that a two syllable name would fit much better. Oh pish posh! This opposition actually made me love his name so much more!! Maybe it had something to do with me repeating it over and over in my head, loving the two syllable/one syllable ring to it!!

So, where did Paxton come from? Is it a family name? How did we find it? Simple. I found it in a baby book and immediately fell in love with it. Shane wasn't sold at first, but the more and more he mulled over it, the more and more he came to love it. I LOVED that we would be able to call him Pax for short. We already do! And it's meaning is derived from "Pax," which translates to peace. Aww.

For those of you who know me, you might think this (George) was a no-brainer. But, at first, we liked the name "Huntley" for a middle name, and we were almost locked in on Paxton Huntley, but I kept feeling this tug, tug, tug at my heart to reconsider George. I've always LOVED the name George. I'm not sure if it's only because my pop's name is George, and I'll never really know that, but I do love the name. To me, it's cute and intelligent. Huh, two words that also describe my pops! Anyhow, yes, Paxton's middle name (George) is indeed after my pops George. But also after a very kind neighbor man, who Shane became really close to upon moving into our home. George Asbrock was a very dear and helpful man. And very intelligent when it came to anything farm related. Shane often sought George's advice for anything that had to do with our farm. And George was always very willing to help! He became like a father and a grandfather to Shane. It was cute how close they had become. Shane would fill many conversations with adorable stories about their adventures! Then one cold day, earlier this year, George unexpectedly passed away and went to Heaven. It was sad, sad news, and it was particularly hard on Shane. I held him as we cried and cried, and my heart ached so terribly for Shane. And for Kay (George's wife), too, as she was still too young to have to lose her husband. Up to this point, we had not definitively settled on a middle name for Paxton. But it was after George's passing that I knew (and would convince Shane) Paxton's middle name would just HAVE to be George. And so it was.

Oh, and how cute is it that the name George means "farmer?!"

Just last week, Shane was talking with Kay, and he was finally able to tell her our exciting news. We had been waiting a little while, as we wanted to give her heart some time to heal, and we also wanted to wait until my 20 week ultrasound, seeing if it, like my first ultrasound, would confirm that I was indeed carrying a boy. So, he announced to Kay that we'll be welcoming a baby boy into our lives in just a few months. She got teary-eyed. He then told her the more exciting news. That we are going to name him PAXTON GEORGE. She got choked up. She asked about his due date (which is October 2nd), and she then revealed that George's birthday was October 7th. Not that I want to be huge and miserable, but it would be very bittersweet if Paxton is to be born on October 7, 2011. No matter what, knowing that they'll share close birth dates is definitely another reminder that God is the one in charge, and this is all part of His plan. Praise be to God!

Here are some pictures of Paxton's nursery. All the decor, minus some Ikea decals used as poster art, was created with much love by me, Paxton's mommy. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Shane and I are very, very blessed to have the most precious little Lhasa Poo, Violet Minnie Brewer. She really is like a child to us, and we do indeed give God many thanks for bringing her into our lives. We tell her daily that she is going to make a wonderful big sister to Paxton, and I think she just might be starting to understand! For instance, one day last week she noticed a baby on the television, and she ran up to it, jumping and whining at our t.v. stand, trying to get to the baby! She has always done this with animals, especially doggies, but she now notices babies for some reason! Oh, and just last night as Shane and I were going through some of Paxton's adorable little outfits, Violet just had to help herself check them out. Shane would dangle them in front of her, and she'd wag her pretty little tail, give a gentle little sniff all over and then try, ever so gently, to sneak them out of her daddy's hands! We adore her to no end!

It was late summer, early fall 2009. I had been really, really sick, trying to get over Mycoplasma pneumonia, and struggling with some hard-to-take blood results and possible diagnosis of some auto-immune disease. It was only the start to a long journey of several doctor visits, even more blood tests, and hesitant, after hesitant, not-quite-there diagnosis. Anyhow, my very gracious mother, being the VERY BEST caregiver anyone could ever wish for, was right by my side, EVERY step of the way. She definitely saw me at my worst, and she only wanted me to get better. With the pneumonia almost out of the way, she knew the best thing that would take it completely away: a puppy. I had ALWAYS wanted a puppy from the day Shane and I got married, but Shane always had good reason why it just wasn't quite the time. He would assure me, though, that the right time would come. I thought it never would ... then came the early part of October, I had been through the worst sickness I'd ever endured, and my Birthday was practically right around the corner. My mom had been searching locally for a cute little pup, but nothing was quite available ... Until she just so happened to call a pet store in Dayton. "You guys wouldn't happen to have a little Lhasa by chance would you?" My mom had summoned. "Well, we just so happen to have a Lhasa Poo ... She's a discount puppy right now," The pet store clerk answered. My mom questioned the "discount" deal because she hoped the pup wasn't too sick or injured. Turns out, Violet was one of the oldest pups there, nearly 4 months old, and no one, that's right NO ONE had wanted her!! My mom called me with the wonderful news, I got dressed immediately (I was still in my pajamas well into the evening, that's how sick I'd been), and off we went. Jessi and Thomas (my twin sister and brother-in-law) met us there to share in the adoption! From the moment Shane and I saw her ... oh what a wonderful moment ... we knew she was THE little girl just for us!! She was adorable! She needed a good grooming, but she was a MIRACLE! I truly believe God brought her into our lives!! I mean, how else do you explain why no one had adopted such a delightful little pup!! God knew my mom, oh my wonderful mom, would find her and purchase her just for Shane and I. We can't thank my mother nearly enough for the best cuddly gift ever!!!! We love you, mom. Jessi offered that she looked like a "Violet," and I agreed. Her middle name is after our childhood dog, Minnie, who lived to be 19!! She was a Lhasa, and the most wonderful family pup for us, the Dickerson's. There are many, many times when I see so much of Minnie in our Violet. If Minnie were here today, I know she would love Violet.

So, we met, instantly fell in love, and brought our happy little puppy home into our lives (only possible because of my mom's big, big heart)!! Violet has been nothing short of a blessing ever since that first moment, and we are truly grateful to God and to my mom and pops!! Before long Violet will be a big sister, and we absolutely can't wait for her and Paxton to grow up together!!

I hope all of you who have a pet (or pets) also feel this true love for them. And if you don't have a pet, I hope this inspires you to consider welcoming one into your life. God bless!

Here's one of the earliest shots of me with my princess.

And here's one of her in her first little bed. Made just for her by Grammy & Granpops (my mom & dad).

And this one was taken just tonight, in Pax's room. Paxton's nursery is now her favorite room in the house! We keep it closed off at all times, to keep it as fresh as possible for him, but her and I do occasionally spend some time soaking up the nesting goodness. She provides good rocking practice!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope you continue to stop by & follow along. I'll be sharing much of my everyday life … which is currently plum full of excitement and love for my soon-to-be-very-first-baby PAXTON GEORGE BREWER!!!! I'm in my 27th week of pregnancy (less than 13 weeks to go!!), and my husband, THE MR. SHANE BREWER, and I are brimming with so much delight to meet our very own little baby boy that we can hardly contain ourselves!!

I hope you can enjoy this last stretch of my pregnancy with me, as I'm sure to detail every little thing, from Pax showing off for my doctor with his crazy acrobatic moves (that was a cute visit) to the very first glint of excitement that wakes me every morning — that of knowing I'm one day closer to meeting my little man, a true miracle from God!!

I'm a true and BIG believer in my God, and I indeed give all glory to Him for everything in my life … through the tough times to this very precious pregnancy!

This IS the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice & be VERY glad in it!

I'd like to introduce you to the very wonderful SHANE BREWER, the most amazing man I'm blessed to call my husband. Here we are, August 11, 2007 … yes quite some time ago … the most fantastic day! The day we became Mr. & Mrs. The day God joined our overflowing hearts into one!

And here are some of my other favorites from that most wonderful day. Warm, sweet memories rush through me as I recount our most precious journey being sealed with God's blessing and our one, very important kiss. Our journey from two to one. Our journey to begin another journey: one that I'm so happy to call my life with my my one & only, my handsome 8th grade sweetheart, my SHANE.

I love Shane's expression here!

And these last two are very special because my pops (the very cute man steering the tandem machine) performed his handyman-i-can-do-anything magic on the very old & rusty flea market find!! He really made this beauty shine!! Talk about trash to treasure! But that's not all! Shane welded & fixed up the sulky cart (the chariot we're riding in), and my pops made the bench seat! Having my pops pull the reigns by leading the bicycle drive, on my very special day, really made my fairy tale dreams come true! I love my pops very, very much! Oh, and this ride wouldn't be complete without the muscle of Shane's dad, peddling seat #2!

I love the piercing sunlight here! It's as if God is truly showing His blessing on our blessed day!