Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My baby is 8 months old. 8 MONTHS OLD!! Oh my goodness! Where has the time gone? I'll tell you. It's gone to many, many, many days of hugs & kisses, of smiles & laughter, and some of the most exciting times of "firsts." From the first time Pax held onto my finger, to the first time he smiled at me, the first time he rolled over, the first time he giggled, the first time he jabbered, the first time he ate "real" food, the first time he practiced crawling, and even the first time he got a boo boo (this one was very hard, folks … but boo boos happen, and I'm convinced they happen to toughen you [the parent] up for the many more ahead - I don't want to think about that, though)!

Oh, the many firsts. And there are so many more that I could go on and on forever, it seems!! Even the smallest things that make my husband and I turn to each other with amazement … "Did you see that!?" … "Can you believe he can do that already!?" Now, those are the moments!

Oh my goodness, how Pax has grown so much! Everyone has told me – and they continue to tell me – "enjoy every moment, they go by so fast." But I don't like to believe them. I don't want the moments to go by too fast. But they do. They are! So I am trying to soak up every little moment that I can, giving thanks to God for allowing each and every one of them to happen.

Then & now, WOW!
Birth weight: 9 lbs., 1.2 oz.  //  Now: 20 lbs.
Birth height: 20.5 in.  //  Now: 29 in.

Just for you, my sweet Paxton:
What I'm enjoying the most right now is that you still LOVE nursing. So much so that you rarely take a bottle. Which isn't so great. I want you to get all the breast milk that your little tum tum can get. But since you're now eating real food, and I get to make it, I add in lots of mama's milk so that you're still getting the goods! But back to you & me nursing time. I love it now that when you fuss or cry because you're hungry, only I can offer you what you want. Me, your mama. YOUR MAMA. Gah! Sometimes it's still hard to believe that I get to be your mama! … Anyhow, your bedtime feeding is my favorite because you fall asleep in my arms after you get full on your milkies, and it's the sweetest moment of my day. I whisper soft songs to you and say bedtime prayers over you. Then I breathe in all your wonderful fresh baby smells as I nestle my face next to yours. Once I feel you're soundly asleep, I carefully carry you over to your crib, swaying you slightly back and forth. I place you down to sleep, once more asking God to watch over you, hold you tight and keep you safe and healthy through the night … Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night for more milkies. Sometimes you sleep all night long. But your first morning smiles are the most precious expressions that give me nothing but hope for the day ahead. There is truly NO better way to start my day.

One more thing. I want you to know that I am over-the-moon excited that you look SO MUCH like me (and Auntie Jessi - it's so great having a twin)!!!! … It's one thing to hear friends & family compliment your good looks and state the obvious, that you look so much like mama … but it's a whole other thing when total strangers approach you with the same excitement, with the same "handsome" compliments, and yes, the same perspective, that you look just … like … me. :) I realize this may not always be the case. One of these days you may look just like your daddy (and he's one mighty fine handsome steed, himself!), so I just want to relish in your adorable-me-ness right now, while I can. Paxton, it is so amazing to look at you and see myself. It's an overwhelming feeling. To realize that you really are mine… because of God's most precious grace. And I thank God for you every single day, and I always will. You are a true gift, and your Daddy & I are forever grateful. We love you so very, very much. Praise be to God, indeed.

Happy 8 months to the most handsome cheese there is.

I love you forever and always, my sweet Paxton George.

More photos to come soon from our 8 month photo shoot. :)

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